Hidden Time Bombs that investors should learn to look for

Investing in businesses in the stock market is riskier business than you realise. The American standard accounting practices hide a multitude of sins from the unsavy investor. Companies like Enron, Countrywide Financial and GMAC can be huge titans one day with seemingly positive and healthy balance sheets and gone the next in a sea of debt.

A business may have a healthy dose of working capital and good profitability however it can be very short on money, constantly looking for cash and never having enough…. This can create a long term problem that you will do well to spot today.

Accounts Receivable can severely inhibit a businesses cash flow
Carrying and servicing too much debt can cause cash to dry up

Retained Earnings are a beautiful method of balancing the books, however if the company does not have the actual money the question lies as to where it is retained?

Depreciation is a great way to avoid and mitigate some tax payments, however how does one buy new equipment when the old items have expired (hence the title depreciating assets). Is there a separate account funded by this depreciation write off?

Does the company significantly reinvest in capital improvements? How are these allocated and what is the usefulness of these investments in earning profits for their investors? Did that fancy new office with 5,000sq ft managers suites really increase productivity at all ……. to the same token did the sale and leaseback of the company head office which gave us a great deal of cash this year reduce the overall and long term profitability of the company and deceive investors and managers alike to the problems brewing in the future of the business with reduced profitability?

Share buy backs are great, but were they funded with cash or loans, did VC’s come and buy the company with its own assets and saddle the company with debt…this allows them to deploy money, but what will the return be and how will it help the company fuel expansion and growth. Will that growth be in core business and profitability or will it be a mistake? (take Ford who spent Billions of its cash surplus buying into repair and maintenance as the future profit center for the company only to sell it for cents on the dollar and crash the companies stock value)

A perfect example would be Microsoft, who should they deploy they buy Yahoo will become an ideal target to short as they will have to absorb phenomenal costs to integrate the two companies and go through several iterations before problems are rectified, they will also see some serious degradation of their balance sheet as the goodwill values of both companies is absorbed.

One of the biggest give aways though is the share dealings of insiders, these acts must all be recorded and become part of the public domain, if you see key figures SEC Form 4 buying or selling heavily then this is a great indication of a buying or selling opportunity. (look at Angelo Mozilo’s 925,815 CFC shares in about 1 year) Do not less this one pass you by, you will never get a better indication of a companies future…

Copyright Jonathan Rose 2007 – Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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Credit Cards and The Growing Consumer Debt Epidemic

Household debt has now exceeded the national debt of the USA – what does this mean, this means that the people who live in America, you and me, owe more money to companies (particularly banks) than the entire government does to other countries!!!!

This figure is incredible but how has debt spiraled so far out of control. The average American family owes more than $16,000 on credit cards, many only making minimum payments. With some credit cards charging exorbitant “loan shark” style interest of 39%, late payment fees, partial payment fees etc etc credit card companies are able to double their money annually! This is quite possibly the most rewarding part of thew whole financial system for banks. The majority of hedge funds do not produce mid to high double digit returns – for mainline banks this is a n incredible pipeline that they will continue to milk until America wakes up.

Minimum payments (around 4% on average) will require 15 or more years to pay off if no further charges are made to the card. This is with a more normal 19.98% apr.

With the Universal Default Clause your credit card company can change your interest at any time for almost any reason, your debt is too high with another company, you were late on your mortgage payment etc etc. This is one of the scariest and most open ended, open to abuse clauses in the American legal system as it exposes more than 1 billion card holders, yep 300 million Americans with an average of 3 cards each, to the whim of the card company. Should you choose to retaliate in any fashion they deem unfit to this injustice, there goes your FICO score.

Meanwhile whilst on the topic of FICO scores, this number has become more critical than ever before as now it holds the key to how high your charges on your mortgage will be. Fannie May et al will be charging higher fees and possibly require higher down payments from “sub prime” borrowers. This means anyone with a 680 or less is going to be dinged – i believe on a sliding scale.

Is your VOIP call being recorded

It has been generally well known and accepted for years now that our governments listen in on our phone calls, triggered by certain keywords. It used to be the the British tapped the American public and vice versa, until the patriot act pretty much allowed the US government a free hand.

It is now emerging that it would be possible to tap VOIP calls and you can bet your bottom dollar that if the government isn’t already doing this they will be soon!

As mentioned in the article this will also be a potential boon for those criminally minded as well.

So remember, when talking on “ANY” type of phone – be careful what you say, someone may be listening!

To hear what they have been doing as a proof of concept on this have a look and listen at the following website http://siptap.voipcode.org/

Copyright Jonathan Rose 2007 – Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Published in: on November 24, 2007 at 12:10 pm  Leave a Comment